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Birds & Owls
9.99 $
Acrylic ornament, blue dove..
15.99 $
Birch owl ornament. Made of resin...
14.99 $
Brown and white Horned Owl ornament. Made of foam, polyester and feather. Measures 5 inches..
Brown and white owl ornament. Made of foam, polyester and feather...
17.99 $
Brown owl on branch ornament. Made of polyester, foam and feather...
12.99 $
Brown owl ornament. Made of styrofoam and feathers...
7.99 $
Cardinal with Clip. 2,5 inches. Made with resin...
Frosted Glass ball ornament, Cardinal on holly berry branch...
19.99 $
German Wood, Ornament, heart shape with carved owls in centre, 6cm..
Glass Blue Jay Ornament..
29.99 $
Glass Ornament, Bird feeder..
Glass ornament, Calling Bird..
Glass ornament, majestic blue peacock, in metal..
Glass ornament, majestic green peacock, in metal..
39.99 $
Glass ornament, majestic peacock..
Grey and brown eared owl ornament. Made of plastic and styrofoam...
Grey and brown owl ornament. Made of plastic and styrofoam...
Light brown owl ornament. Made of styrofoam and feathers...
Majestic Peacock Glass Ornament..
Natural owl ornament. Made of styrofoam and straw...
Ornament in acrylic, enchanted hummingbird...
Ornament in tin, owl in waistcoat with writing quill and ink..
Ornament in tin, owl in waistcoat with butterfly..
Ornament, Forest owl on branch with pine cones..